More sales = more stress?
You’ve been making more sales. You’re about to reach your goal, or perhaps even surpassed it. Perhaps you’ve invested in a coach to help you get there.
What kind of feelings and thoughts does this provoke in you?
Having more sales and more money doesn’t always make people feel good or happy. For some, this increase in revenue brings stress and the feeling of chaos. For others, more money feels wrong or even “bad”.
The truth is, growth without a structure feels like chaos.
If at this point in your business you don’t have a good structure for the way you handle your money, things are likely to get even more out of control. Not having a structure will also mean you don’t have a structure or method to “connect with your money” and have a routine to get a full grasp of the money coming in and going out.
If that’s you, here’s a way to get started towards ORGANIZATION and having things under control.
Block 20 min in your calendar and keep all distractions away.
Write down your current financial workflow between you an your clients:
Where does it start?
Do you invoice clients? How do you send that invoice?
Which payment processor are you using to receive payments?
How long does it take you to see that money in your account?
How do you follow up if someone doesn’t pay you?
2. Write down your current financial workflow in general
How much do you need to keep your business alive every month?
How much do you need to pay yourself monthly?
Are you saving for taxes?
How are you keeping records of all of your expenses?
How are you tracking your sales?
Do you see a disconnect? Do you see what’s giving you the most trouble?
You’ll most likely be able to ENJOY the increase of your revenue if you’ve prepared the entire business for it.
This is NOT where I come in and say “Now do this 3 easy peasy simple steps and you’ll be set”.
Nope, it definitely takes some effort, strategy, time, and even money to turn all of that into something that’ll feel like clockwork.
But if you’re currently feeling stuck and your business is feeling shaky thanks to your efforts to bring more cash in, then those are your signs that you could benefit from revamping your finances workflows.
Grab those workflows and start tackling each point.
You’ll be greatly surprised at how easy and better your life will be if you switch to an accounting software if you’ve been relying on spreadsheets up this point.
AND, using a software to send invoices and collect recurring payments will save you a ton of time and will help you get paid faster.
Lastly, knowing exactly what you’re spending your money will help you get in control of your profit.
If all of this sounds like a dreamy place to be, wait till you’re actually there. It’ll be a major upgrade. Well deserved for you, your team, and your business!
Ready to make this switch? Book your call with me to get started.
This is for informational and educational purposes only. Please seek individual legal and tax advice.