4 things I’m thankful for - business edition
I’ve been thinking about how my choices have impacted my business, and how my business has impacted this year for me as business owner, and for us as family. For the past 2 and half years, I’ve been basically a student of all things business and bookkeeping. And honestly, I haven’t felt so strongly about something in a long time. And I know I’m not the only one! So I thought I’d share 4 things I’m thankful for this year - business edition.
I’ve been using Asana for a year to keep track of my projects and it’s been one of the best decisions I’ve made. I LOVE checklists, and even use a chalkboard where I mapped out my whole year. But Asana has been awesome at not dropping the ball with the little things AND to ensure my processes. In other words, if you have an SOP for your business, this is PERFECT to keep it on repeat.
In fact, you can even use Asana to create your SOPs, or even purchase SOP templates for your specific business industry online.
My favorite part is adding deadlines and putting tasks on repeat for the rinse and repeat kind of tasks.
And the best part of that is that you’re able to maintain the quality of your work because you’re using the same process every single time. So even if you hire someone, they will take that list and perform the same tasks.
This year I hired 2 wonderful women that help me stay organized, get more done, and overall run my business more efficiently.
I’m guilty of being a perfectionist, so this is not an easy step to take. BUT I’m so thankful I did. The truth is I DON’T know everything, and I’m not the best at everything, so bringing more people to my team means more knowledge and expertise.
Hiring more people also means I get to support THEIR business while expanding mine.
3. The money lessons I’ve learned thanks to the people I hang out with.
And by “hang out” I mean I follow on social media, podcasts I listen to, or books I read. If I had to pick one, THIS would be my favorite one because it trickles down to my personal finances and because of this, my future and my kids’ future is also changing. You see, my mindset around finances was molded by my parents, my culture, and religion. And I just took those beliefs as my own without much questioning or tweaking. However, this past year has been a huge transformation. I’ve had conversations that I would’ve never even considered before as a possibility for myself. I’ve unlearned a TON of limits and negative views of money that were blocking me from working on myself. I’ve spent a ton of hours planning about our future and how to set things up correctly.
I know this is a very common thing to do for many, but you see, my husband and I are both immigrants. Our parents moved to the US while we were kids, so there was not much financial planning involved in that process. Although it feels like we are late to the game, we are a million miles ahead than what we were just 2 years ago, and we are so proud of this!
4. Last but not least, my clients!
I really can’t put into words how lucky I feel about the people that I work with. Relationships and people over money is not just a cliche, it's a way of conducting business, and in my opinion, it brings an extra layer of joy that only people can bring. Working with other women, regardless of what stage they are in their business, has been so fulfilling because I know that what I’m doing is important to them and to their success.
If you’re nervous about “putting yourself out there”, just jump! I wanna say “somehow the people that gravitate towards me are really an awesome fit - both ways”, but I know that the “somehow” link in here has to do with how I present myself online, and who they choose to work with. So kudos to all the branding experts I’ve learned from!
If you had to pick 2 or 3 things for your business, what would they be? And how can this help you map out your 2023? This feeling is worth REPEATING! So if something is worth celebrating, it’s likely worth keeping.
Cheers to you and your business!